
Division 1 : Studies and applied research :

  • Building and developing evaluation and piloting instruments to initiate and drive change
  • Design for that purpose the related models and indicators
  • Understanding and evaluating the logic and efficiency of food and agricultural policies around the world to identify evolution paths ;

Division 2 : Thinking and conceiving strategies for change

  • Analysing strategic political stakes by taking into account the different dimensions of the agricultural and food sectors : growth, competitiveness, power balances, food security and sovereignty, the environment and consumer satisfaction ;
  • Conceiving tomorrow’s strategies for companies, sectors and States ;
  • Building development projects (line of business and/or companies), reform projects (legislative or regulatory), and projects for the evolution of international negotiations.

Division 3 : Influence and public representation

  • Pinpointing the interests, strengths and weaknesses of political, economic and influential actors (NGOs, media…) operating in the food and agricultural fields
  • Implementing multidimensional influence actions (political, administrations, NGOs, media, social networks…) ;
  • Creating influence vectors and identifying those driving change (articles, stands, auditions, conferences, social networks)

Division 4 : Initial and continuous training

  • Through in particular a support and a participation in the teaching and research chair at AgroParisTech on agricultural cooperatives and compared agricultural policies.
  • Participating to the renewal of teaching programs in rural and agricultural economy ;
  • Being present in teaching programs on agriculture for the different political, professional, administration and economic actors.
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